fitb split.tex (1185B)
1 \begin{tikzpicture}[ 2 piece/.style={text depth=0, minimum width=7mm}, 3 defbrace/.style={decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=5}}, 4 undernote/.style={below, midway, text depth=0, yshift=-1mm}, 5 overnote/.style={above, midway, text depth=0, yshift=2mm}, 6 baseline=(taillabel.base), 7 ] 8 %The <e1>sol</e1> was the currency of <e2>Peru</e2> between 1863 and 1985 . 9 \matrix[name=M1, matrix of nodes, inner sep=0.8mm, column sep=0]{ 10 \node[piece] (prefix) {The}; & 11 \node[piece] (head) {\textbf{sol}}; & 12 \node[piece] (infix) {was the currency of}; & 13 \node[piece] (tail) {\textbf{Peru}}; & 14 \node[piece] (suffix) {between 1863 and 1985.}; \\ 15 }; 16 17 \draw [defbrace] (prefix.south east) -- (prefix.south west) node [undernote] {\strut prefix}; 18 \draw [defbrace] (infix.south east) -- (infix.south west) node [undernote] {\strut infix}; 19 \draw [defbrace] (suffix.south east) -- (suffix.south west) node [undernote] {\strut suffix}; 20 \draw [defbrace] (head.north west) -- (head.north east) node [overnote] {\strut head entity}; 21 \draw [defbrace] (tail.north west) -- (tail.north east) node [overnote] (taillabel) {\strut tail entity}; 22 \end{tikzpicture} 23 \vspace{-2mm}